Archive for the ‘Daylight Savings Time’ Category

Changement d’heure : la France passe à l’heure d’été

J’en ai marre de l’heure d’été !

Bien sûr, il a fallu à nouveau changer d’heure, alors que cette pratique était censée prendre fin un jour ou l’autre.

The nasty news came yesterday with a confirmation in Le Figaro: Changement d’heure : la France passe à l’heure d’été. The worst part of this is that the article is from two years ago, but has been updated yet again.

There is next to no benefit to this practise and it was supposed to have ended a while back. A draft directive was adopted in March 2019 by the European Parliament to make an abolition of summer time effective in summer 2021. I thought the US had done something similar around that time. In March 2022, the US Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act. The intent behind the bill was to make daylight saving time permanent starting in the spring of 2023.

Nope. This insanity continues. This is despite 84% of European respondents being in favour of abolishing the time change. I’m not sure what the case is in the US, but pretty much everyone agrees that ending the time changes is generally a good idea there as well. Our bodies can be very sensitive to disruptions to our circadian rhythms.

Anyway, yes, indeed this ridiculous practise continues.

I thought Summer time was going away

It’s an idiotic idea to move the clocks backward and forward with the seasons, especially since there are only 24 hours in a day. It also creates the worst type of glitch in Circadian rhythms. I find jumping between states and going between Britain and the Continent to be the worst for time change.

And it lasts for about a week.

Legislators talk about getting rid of it, but it seems like yet another year with it. Fortunately, most of my timepieces do the change for me.

Is Ben Franklin overrated?

First, I learn that the string quartet which was supposedly written by Franklin may not have been. Now, it seems that Summer Time (or the even more idiotic appelation “Daylight Saving Time”) was not one of his ideas. I have to wonder how many things he is given credit for having come up with that are also spurious claims. But it’s Summer Time that has me ticked off and Old Ben is a loser whether he came up with the idea or not: although credit is due to George Vernon Hudson.

I am one of the crowd who finds turning clocks back and forth to be a ridiculous idea. How can one get more hours in a day? and the same goes for having more natural sunlight. Move the clocks forward and keep them there if they want a “longer day”, but stop messing with the time.

See Also: